During these past two months, our great city has taken many necessary measures to ensure that our community stays safe and slows the spread of COVID-19. Social distancing measures that help to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus have greatly impacted our businesses, our schools, and our families. We are all finding new ways to stay engaged, stay productive, and stay connected while supporting and rallying behind many of our Leadership San Antonio family who is struggling in our hotel, restaurant, and tourism and travel industries; small business and non-profit sectors; as well as many others who have been professionally and personally affected.
With that said, the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce and the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce have agreed to continue LSA 45 (aka LSA 2020) into 2021, modifying our current class days using creative shortened virtual programs, challenging each other to serve the community and buy local, and focusing on the way ahead into next year.
During these unprecedented times, our priorities are to ensure our businesses and families are safe and supported. We are challenged to improve ways that LSA can directly impact our neighbors and our community. In January 2021, we will reconnect to carry on the traditional mission of the program through full LSA class days for our LSA 45 members – to educate and inform class members in the vital areas affecting San Antonio, as well as to encourage Chamber business involvement and community advocacy.
“We find the COVID-19 challenges as a unique opportunity to leave a Legacy through Service and Action for our current class,” related Brian Hurtak, USAA, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce LSA 45 Co-Chair. “We look forward to seeing what LSA 45 can accomplish,” continued Hurtak.
Christina Bazaldua, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce LSA 45 Co-Chair, showed her appreciation by saying, “To our current class members, Chamber leaders and sponsoring organizations, we thank you for your continued commitment, leadership, and support to our great city!”
For those of you who are interested in applying for LSA Class 46, we will begin the application process mid-summer in 2021. Please visit www.leadershipsa.org to stay up to date on current and future LSA events.
For additional information, please email Lori Stinson, Vice President of Military Affairs and Leadership Development, at lstinson@sachamber.org.